There are a lot of steps you can take to decrease your water use. Sometimes this means doing things a little differently, and conserving by using a little less each time we do something. These small changes can really add up over time. You should also think about making other changes that might require more work or some investment. Plumbing changes, new appliances or changing the landscaping in your yard. Most people are not in a position to make many major changes all at once but keeping aware of water use and water conservation can allow you to make these bigger changes when there is an opportunity for doing so. For instance it not as hard to consider a better washing machine when your old one needs to be replaced.
Easier changes – not much up-front investment, just a little adjustment in your habits and water use.
- Use a broom to clean your driveways and sidewalks, not the hose.
- If you are watering your lawn with a sprinkler make sure the water lands on your lawn or garden.

- Use only as much water on your lawn as you need. How do you know? If you step on the grass and it springs back readily, it is hydrated just fine.
- Only water your yard before 8 a.m. The water will soak in better and you will lose less to evaporation.
- Place mulch around plants to slow evaporation and reduce the amount of watering.
- Do you have a pool? Cover it when it is not in use to slow evaporation.
- Instead of running the water while washing the dishes, incorporate using a dishwashing bin for dishwashing.
- If you like to have cold water for drinking, keep some water in the refrigerator rather than running the water until it is cold.
- To wash vegetables use a small bowl or bin of water rather than excessively running the water for rinsing.
- Take a shorter shower.
- Don’t run the water while you are brushing your teeth.
- Stop the sink and use a basin of water for shaving rather than letting the water run.
- Only run the dishwasher and the clothes washer with full loads.
- Flush less.
- If you have an older model toilet, place a brick or a filled and sealed plastic jug in the tank (away from the working parts).
Investing some time and or money. You can get a significant rebate for some purchases and improvements.
- Fix leaky faucets, plumbing joints and your sprinkler system.
- Test your toilet for leaks too. You can add a dye tablet (or a few drops of food coloring) to the tank and see if the water in the bowl has any color in it after a few minutes.
- Purchase a high-efficiency clothes washing or dishwashing machine.
- Install a low-volume flush toilet.
- Install a landscape watering system (for example automatic sprinklers that run at best times, drip irrigation system, etc.) or otherwise use smarter lawn watering technology.
- Consider installing artificial grass, or converting your lawn to gravel or any of the many options for reducing the size of your thirsty lawn… From Gravel Gardens to Camomile Lawns
- Install a low flow shower head.
- Install a sink aerator. It simulates a normal water flow but uses less water.
Do you have any tips to add to this list? Let everyone know by posting a comment.